About DisplayWP

DisplayWP is a new way to look at WordPress data in a beautiful way.
Why? because Data Driven Decision Making starts with data collection, continues with pattern recognizing and ends with insights extraction.
The site aggregate data to generate two types of pages:
(1) WordPress Version are auto-generated pages using all the available data for each major WordPress version.
(2) WordPress Charts are auto-generated pages for each data-set to show trends and changes over time.
Currently, the site analyzes only core WordPress Versions. But work is being done to display other components like WordPress Themes, WordPress Plugins and the Code Reference.
Data Sources
The vast majority of the information on DisplayWP is retrieved from external sources. Sources like WordPress.org APIs, WordPress Trac, WordPress Translation Project and others.
Not all the data is available in a ready-to-use APIs, some of the data is generated by DisplayWP using internal algorithms other data is processed and altered.
I tried to promote the creation of new APIs, more stats and insights (core#35971, meta#1550, meta#4525, meta#4697). But since not all the suggestions are accepted, the data is available through DisplayWP API.
Updating Data
For performance reasons the data inside the stats pages and version pages is cached. If you want to update the stats to display the latest numbers, just add ?reload
to the URL (example). It will trigger a set of requests to different data sources to retrieve updated numbers.
Although all the data retrieved using Cron Jobs and stored in Transients (for performance reasons), please remember that each data retrieval takes time as it is done for each and every major version. Please don’t abuse this feature by linking directly to pages with the “reload” parameter.