WordPress 3.7 through 4.0 reached their EOL

WordPress 3.7 through 4.0 reached their EOL

Rami Yushuvaev 0 Comments

As of today, December 1st, the WordPress security team will no longer provide security updates for WordPress 3.7 through 4.0. This move will basically end these version life.

Usage Insights

Based on the market share data, those 4 versions used by 0.474% of all WordPress websites:

An interesting fact it that as of this writing, WordPress 3.0 – 3.6 used by ~0.531% of all WordPress websites.

Additional Insights

WordPress 3.7, the oldest of the four versions, was released in October 2013 — more than nine years ago. Security updates have been continually applied to this version, out of 41 minor release, 34 releases (83%) had security-related fixes.

Additionally, the 3.x branch, which is utilized by 0.838% of all WordPress websites, will no longer be maintained as a result of this change. There are hundreds of thousands of websites in question. On the other hand, the owners of those site had nine years to upgrade to newer WordPress versions.

The security team decided to stop supporting these four older version as of December 1, 2022.

Rami Yushuvaev

I'm a fullstack developer, a blogger and an entrepreneur. I contribute to open source projects. Creator of ChartsCSS.org, GenerateWP.com, DisplayWP.com and many other projects. I work mainly with Israeli startups, providing development services.

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